

u/Sockgangmember123 - What are your best fighting tips?

cam3raam3ba - Run and if you have to fight, don't play fair...
|- RolandSmoke - Best policy. Live to run away another day.
해석 > Live / to run away / another day. -> 살아라 / 그래서 도망쳐라 / 하루라도
(구번: 최고의 정책. 하루를 더 살아서 도망쳐라. another day = 하루)

|- krieger82 - Yep, avoid at all costs. If that does not work, fight like a wounded and cornered animal. No mercy. No pity. No remorse. Gouge eyes, fish hook, box ears, blood choke, use any available weapon, fight like your life depended on it.
해석 > (avoid at all costs. = 구번: 어떤 대가를 치르더라도 피하십시오. at all costs = 어떤 희생을 치르더라도)
wounded = 상처입은, pity = 동정, remorse = 자책감, Gouge eyes = 가우징은 손가락이나 도구를 사용하여 눈을 누르거나 찢는 행위입니다.) (box ears = to hit someone on the sides of the head or on the ears)
fight like your life depended on it. => 여기서 it은 싸움을 의미. "너의 삶이 싸움에 달린거 처럼 싸워라"

|- GiantAlligator - My dad use to tell me that there isn't such a thing as a fair fight. You just fight! And anything is a weapon!!
해석 > (such a thing as A = A 같은 것)
|- muklan - "if you're in a fair fight, your plan has failed" - Hackworth
|- GiantAlligator - What is a fair fight?
|- muklan - One where no party is bringing a significant advantage to bear. See the absolute abomination that was World War 1 trench warfare.
해석 > (여기서 One은 경우로 쓰였음.) "어느 당사자도 견딜만한 사당한 이점이 없는 경우."로 해석. (abomination = 혐오)
(trench = 참호 or 도랑)

|- GiantAlligator - You are carrying my simple comment out way to far. I have watched many WW1 videos. They all fought for their lives. What the fuck are you talking about?
|- muklan - Oh for sure they did and I don't mean to impugn their sacrifice. But no one had an advantage until tank's came around, so it was just a raw struggle like a stalemate for a good while at the beginning.
해석 > 확실히 그들이 그랬어. (for sure = 확실히) 나는 그들의 희생을 비난하려는 것이 아닙니다. (impugn =비난하다)

|- thecauseoftheproblem - My dad phrased it "never get into a fair fight".
해석 > 우리 아빠는 "절대로 공정한 싸움을 하지 말라"고 말했다.

|- Taliesin_ - My brother is a proud guy, and tough. When he was young he got into a lot of fights, and won most of 'em.
On one of those fights he won, he punched a guy hard enough to mess up his own thumb. Dislocated it and needed a metal rod drilled through it to set it. The process fucked up the cartilage in the joint, and to this day he has impaired mobility, strength, and pain in the digit. It affects his work and home life - as an example, he can't play video games with a controller because operating a thumbstick is too painful.

The fight was 15 years ago, it was over some unimportant bullshit, and he won it. And it will negatively impact him for the rest of his life.
해석>  ('em는 them의 축약형)

- 배운 것
at all costs = 어떤 희생을 치르더라도 / 기어코
