
Data types

최신 ECMA 스크립트 표준은 8가지 데이터타입을 정의하고 있습니다.

  • 기초적인 7가지 데이터 요소입니다.
    1. Boolean. true and false.
    2. null. A special keyword denoting a null value. (Because JavaScript is case-sensitive, null is not the same as Null, NULL, or any other variant.)
    3. undefined. A top-level property whose value is not defined.
    4. Number. An integer or floating point number. For example: 42 or 3.14159.
    5. BigInt. An integer with arbitrary precision. For example: 9007199254740992n.
    6. String. A sequence of characters that represent a text value. For example: "Howdy"
    7. Symbol (new in ECMAScript 2015). 이것의 인스턴스는 유니크하고 변경 불가능한 데이터 유형입니다. A data type whose instances are unique and immutable.
  • and Object

Although these data types are relatively few, they enable you to perform useful functions with your applications. Objects and functions are the other fundamental elements in the language. You can think of objects as named containers for values, and functions as procedures that your script can perform.





